The Cycle of Poverty


We cannot change the past, but we certainly can have an influence on the future. And, our future depends on the viability and success of our children. The Cycle of Poverty is a catch all phrase that encompasses a host of concurrent issues that all impact a child’s ability to conquer social, cultural and financial barriers to success. It simply is not good enough to attempt to break the cycle with a given child or family by trying to attack only one or a handful of issues such as safety and security, food insecurity, or housing. Solving one problem without addressing the others will continue to result in failure over the long term. To truly succeed in leveling the playing field and address racism and inequality, we need to bring to bear resources that allows communities to tackle the myriad problems impacting the cycle of poverty.

That is where Agents for Change comes in. We work with city and community leaders to bring ALL the resources necessary to offer a comprehensive solution to racism and inequality.